Steam Sterilizers (เครื่องนึ่งฆ่าเชื้อด้วยไอน้ำขนาดใหญ่)bmt

Disinfections, sterilisation and decontamination in the science, research and industry area. BMT  is the representative of a new generation of big steam sterilizers meeting without exception the basic EU technicallegislative rules. The device’s conception is based on the requirements of the European directives No. 2006/95/EC, 89/336/EEC, 97/23/EC and on the provisions of EN 285+A2
and EN ISO 17665-1 standards and is also fi t to the individual needs of each working places
Double Door Autoclave (เครื่องนึ่งฆ่าเชื้อด้วยไอน้ำแบบ 2 ประตู ขนาดใหญ่)
Disinfections, sterilisation and decontamination in the science, research and industry area .STERIVAP HP IL is the representative of a new generation of big steam sterilizers meeting
without exception the basic EU technicallegislative rules.
  • big, colour, tilting control panel “touch-screen” with maximal operating and service comfort
  • high-performance, suction pump for short charges times, quick and accurate cycle processing
  • double-processor control by two independent “Master and Slave” systems for quick and accurate cycle processing
  • unique, patented, double chamber jacket with an independent and stable preheating for economical operation and low media consumption
  • the device is produced from a high-quality stainless steel inclusive the solid, divided frame for the long-term lifetime and reliability
  • thermal deaeration for higher operation reliability and sterilization safety